Brown Drive Park, Ladysmith

Who doesn’t enjoy doing something for kids? We were really happy to be a part of this community project, working closely with local organizations to lay the foundations for Phase 1 of the new Brown Drive Park

This project has been a huge amount of fun and when we’ve had our work parties… even in hugely terrible weather… we’ve had great support… it would be a shame not to be able to get it finished.“Three years ago the Town had to dismantle the playground at Kin Park/Brown Drive in Ladysmith and the Kinsmen and neighbours want to rebuild it. … We have had great community partners such as the Oceanview Community Church as well as the local Royal Canadian Legion, the Eagles Fraternity, the Ladysmith & District Credit Union, the Town of Ladysmith, Elm Electric, Telus, BC Gaming Commission and others have contributed financially.

We’ve also had some super in-kind support from Dave Stalker Excavating, Coastal Trucking, Lealand Contracting, Ryler Trucking as well as others. This project has been a huge amount of fun and when we’ve had our work parties… even in hugely terrible weather… we’ve had great support… it would be a shame not to be able to get it finished.” [source]

View of the finished playground:
Brown Drive Park, Ladysmith
View of surrounding foundation:
Brown Drive Park, Ladysmith
Video of the building of the park:

Project Details

Location : North Ladysmith
Duration : 4 weeks


“Jerry Lealand and Lealand Contracting were HUGE help and supporters of the rebuilding of the children’s adventure playground at Kin Park in Ladysmith.  If it wasn’t for Lealand Contracting I’m dam sure our project would have taken a lot more fundraising and would have taken way longer to get off the ground. Lealand did all the form and concrete work for the 3 retaining walls as well as constructed the sidewalk to the new playground. Jerry also supplied a crew to work with all the volunteers… no easy task… on the weekend that we built phase one.  It was pouring rain and windy the whole time and the Lealand crew worked with all the volunteers and not only showed us how it was to go but pitched in and did huge amounts of work! When we did phase two, a few months later, Jerry and his crew were front and centre. Lealand supplied tools, generator and experience to a whole group of volunteers and what was a big mud pit is now a fantastic children’s playground…. due in no small part to the great community spirit of Jerry Lealand, his crew and his company. The Ladysmith Kinsmen are very grateful for all the work Lealand Contracting has done for Kinsmen projects.

~ Duck Paterson
Ladysmith Kinsmen
Project Chair”


  • Foundations and Construction

View of foundations from the side:
Brown Drive Park, Ladysmith

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